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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Weekly Hair Care Routine for Healthy Hair / Hair Care

 Weekly Hair Care Routine for Healthy Care

Hair Care

       We are all aiming at a healthy and shining hair. Hair care routine means just oiling and washing. While we all have different hair textures and concerns following a weekly hair care routine is for everyone.

Hair care mistakes such as over washing you hair, over using heat styling tools and not masking and scrubbing regularly. 

Hair Care Routine:

1. Oiling

2. Washing

3. Post Wash care

4. Hair Mask

5. Dry Massage

1. Apply Warm Oil on the Hair

Using a warm, natural oil in your hair can do wonders for scalp health, hair health and texture.

Coconut Oil:

 Coconut oil works on all hair types. It does away with dandruff, softens the hair repairs spilt ends and boost hair growth. It also protects the hair from losing protein.

Castor Oil:

  The oil extracted from castor seeds has many health benefits, but is particularly good for hair health. It is a great moisturizes and helps prevent the scalp from flaking. It also reduces breakage at the roots, providing nourishment and lubrication.

2. Use Rice Water as a shampoo a rinse for Hair Care:

      Rice Water can be used as a shampoo as often as you shampoo your hair or as a find rinse to prevent hair loss and greying.

When you boil an average handful of white rice in two cups of hot water and strain out the residue liquid.

3. Egg can contribute to overall Hair Health:

      An egg mask is one of the most best remedies for healthy hair. It is good for hair flexibility, strength and hair growth and can help avoid premature greying.

     Use both yolk and the white. Crack open two eggs and then beat its contents well in a bowl. Apply all over hair and scalp and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse well and follow up with your usual shampoo and conditioner.

4. Apply Onion Juice all over your Hair:

   Squeeze the juice of three onions and apply all over scalp and hair to replenish Sulphur and protein levels. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse.

5. Follow a healthy diet for Healthy Hair:

    Eat a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, proteins, iron, silica and fluids to hydrate.


1 comment:

  1. This is useful hair care routine and it's amazing. It is useful for me. Another remedy is plant based biotin supplement
