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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Naturally Remove Blackheads at Home / Beauty care tips


Naturally Remove Blackheads on your Nose

Beauty Tips

1. Egg White Mask :

   Apply an egg white on the clean nose.

   Wait for 15 minutes.

   Once it dries remove the outward direction.

2. Baking Soda :

  Baking soda is an anti bacterial and anti fungal property.

  It helps exfoliation of the dead skin cells.

  Mix a baking soda and little bit of water, apply on clean nose.

  Wait for 15 minutes.

  Once it dries remove the outward direction.

Lemon Juice :


Lemon has antibacterial property.

It removes dead cells and also close the skin pores.

Apply an lemon juice on you clean nose.

Wait for 15 minutes.

Once it dries wash it off with water.


Steaming helps to relax the skin and open a skin pores.

Hold a face over the steam for 7 - 10 minutes.

It removes dead cells.

Tomato :

Apply tomato pulp on your clean nose.

Rub for the nose .

Wait for 20 minutes.

Once it dries wash it off with water.

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